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Swordfish TimeSaver2 A3 Laminator Key Features A3 home & small office laminator takes approximately 38 seconds to laminate an A4 sheet 1 minutes warm up time push button digital control audible and visual temperature indicators Your Price: £ 164.02 (£ 196.82 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 255.59 SAVE: £91.57
Don't miss out! Only 1 item left in stock
Order Code: 27178J
MPN Code: 40315
The TimeSaver2 laminator from Swordfish really lives up to its name – it reaches operating temperature in 1 minute, dependent on pouch thickness! And after that, it won’t keep you waiting – it will laminate an A4 pouch in just 38 seconds.
The TimeSaver2 has four roller technology which gives professional results, which is built into the robust construction. it has a quiet operation and includes an audible and visual temperature indicators.