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Finish Quantum Infinity Shine Tablets x100 Tabs 3 For 2 Pack of 300 Key Features Dishwasher tabs For clean and sparkling dishes and glasses Glass protect which protects your glasses and keeps them shiny Tough on stains No pre-rinse required Pack contains 100 tabs Promotion: Buy 3 packs for the price of 2. Total of 300 tablets. Promotion: Buy 3 packs for the price of 2. Total of 300 tablets While stocks last Order Code: RK800010
MPN Code: RK800010
Finish Quantum Infinity Shine Tablets x100 Tabs 3 For 2 Pack of 300
Finish Quantum Infinity Shine Dishwasher tablets for a deep clean and sparkling shine for your dishes every time. Tough on stains and gentle on glasses. The glass protect effectively protects your glasses to keep them shiny for longer. No pre-rinse required saving water and energy. Each pack contains 100 tabs. Promotion: Buy 3 packs for the price of 2. Total of 300 tablets. While stocks last.