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Rock Fall Activ-Step 3Feet Work Footbeds Low Blue Medium Key Features Specifically designed for industrial workplaces and include anti-static stitching and tape for product assurances purposes The footbeds are multi layered and built up to offered tailored arch support based on the wearers foot type Your Price: £ 44.07 (£ 52.88 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 103.40 SAVE: £59.33
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
Order Code: RF12617
MPN Code: 3FW001L/M
Activ-Step 3Feet Work footbeds are designed to support common foot conditions. This includes plantar fasciitis and fatigue and achilles tendonitis and pronation/supination and instabilities and back and knee pain.
Activ-Step 3Feet Work footbeds are designed to support common foot conditions which include, plantar fasciitis, fatigue, achilles tendonitis, pronation/supination instabilities and back and knee pain.