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Fellowes Orion Electric Comb Binder Key Features Electric A4 heavy duty comb binder up to 30 sheet punch capacity & up to 500 sheet binding capacity fully adjustable edge guide (side margin) cooling fan safety fuse and auto-reverse pedal operating punching for up to 30 sheets in a single cycle Your Price: £ 1260.47 (£ 1512.56 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 2238.01 SAVE: £977.54
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 5 days*
Order Code: 23329J
MPN Code: 5642701
Designed to punch and bind documents for high end users with demand for maximum punch and binding capacity, 21 individual & selectable punching pins, 5 position back margin & document measure, large front access waste tray, all metal engine and body
2 years machine warranty. Call Fellowes on 01302 836836
Fellowes Orion Electric Comb Binder brochure