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Bi-Office Maya Magnetic Dry Wipe Aluminium Framed Whiteboard 1500x1000mm Key Features 1500 x 1000mm Magnetic lacquered steel whiteboard surface slim anodised aluminum frame magnetic coated steel surface aluminium pen tray simply clips onto frame in any position can be mounted horizontal or vertically Your Price: £ 192.85 (£ 231.42 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 334.79 SAVE: £141.94
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 4 to 5 days*
Order Code: 26674J
MPN Code: MA1507170
The Maya Lacquered Steel Magnetic Whiteboard has a size of 1500 x 1000, the anodized aluminium frame has rounded contrasting corners that bring life into your meetings, lessons, conferences and training sessions.
This medium sized whiteboard perfect for daily use in every room, constant changes in information and team meetings. The magnetic dry wipe surface of these whiteboards is perfect to write, erase and re-write information as well as to post notes with magnets.
Includes pen tray and wall fixings