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Bi-Office Glass Revolving Board 1500 x1200mm Key Features 1500 x 1200mm magnetic glass board elegant glass surface with magnetic properties laminated glass for safer use with 8mm thickness robust metal chrome structure polished Stainless Steel tray board rotates through its horizontal axis mobile base with 4 locking castors Your Price: £ 2025.53 (£ 2430.64 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 2522.25 SAVE: £496.72
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 4 to 5 days*
Order Code: 26738J, BQ10675
MPN Code: GQR0450
The revolver glass whiteboard is a double sided magnetic board which conveniently rotates allowing you to show or hide pre-prepared information. Glass give a smooth, clean writing surface and combined with the elegant chrome fittings, it benefits any modern interior as a top quality communication aid.
This whiteboard is able to rotate both on the castors and through the horizontal axis, which allows you to rotate the whiteboard and lock it when in the desired position.
Mounting kit and instructions included
Bi-Office Glass Revolving Board 1500 x1200mm brochure