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Jemini Daveen Reception Wire Frame Armchair 650x800x860mm Grey KF70021 Key Features Scandinavian style fabric, steel framed chair Ideal for reception areas, foyers and break-out areas The hard-wearing fabric makes this an ideal option for frequently used areas Powder coated steel, hair pin legs With non-marking feet to protect hard floors from damage Colour: Grey Dimensions (WxDxH): 650x800x860mm Order Code: KF70021
MPN Code: KF70021
Jemini Daveen Reception Wire Frame Armchair 650x800x860mm Grey KF70021. Scandinavian style fabric, steel framed chair. Ideal for reception areas, foyers and break-out areas. Powder coated steel, hair pin legs. With non-marking feet.
Jemini Daveen Reception Armchair is a steel framed chair with Scandinavian style fabric, powder coated steel, hair pin legs with non-marking feet to protect hard floors from damage. The hard-wearing fabric makes this an ideal option for frequently used areas. Ideal for reception areas, foyers and break-out areas.