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Q-Connect Feint Ruled Wirebound Duplicate Book A4 KF01342 Key Features Duplicate book with 100 sequentially numbered sets Size: A4 Carbonless copy paper: less mess 100 numbered sets Perforated tear-out pages Index card to shield other pages Wire binding allows book to lie flat Spiral bound: folds flat for use Format: 12x9 inch (305x228 mm) Order Code: KF01342
MPN Code: KF01342
Q-Connect Spiral Bound Duplicate Book. Contains 100 carbonless sets of white and blue sheets each page numbered and the top sheet perforated. Supplied with a removable index card that can be used as a writing shield between each set. Size: A4 297x210mm.
The Q-Connect Spiral Duplicate Book features 100 sets of paper and two carbonless copy sheets with sequential numbering on each sheet for easier organisation, and an index card that can be moved to shield each set of pages. The top sheet is perforated so you can pull it out and retain a duplicate in the book for future reference, and it is spiral bound, allowing the pages lie flat for ease of writing.
General Depth (mm) Country of Origin Minimum Recycled Content (%) SMETA Registrated (Y/N) Proof of Legality Obtained Species of Tree primarily maple birch beech /softwood hard wood
Mill Name Suzano/panpac Koehler Paper Group
Biodegradable Post Consumer Recycled Content Pre Consumer Recycled Content Recyclable Percentage Print Selling Unit Colour Weight (kg) Height (mm) Supplier Code Width (mm) Pack Unit of Sale Barcode 1 UNSPSC Code Product Unit Contains timber or derived materials FSC Label Type REACH Requires Health & Safety Data Sheet REACH Chemical Registration required (Y/N) Energy Star (Y/N) Electrical Product (Y/N) ISO 14001 (Y/N) EMAS (Y/N) Duplicate/Triplicate