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GBC Foton 30 100 Mic Refillable Cartridge Key Features Refillable easy-load 100 micron gloss laminating cartridge laminates up to 190 x A4 sheets also suitable for A3 size documents reduce running costs for Foton 30 vs a standard film cartridge protect and preserve your documents with a high gloss finish to keep colours bright and bold Your Price: £ 108.35 (£ 130.02 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 148.98 SAVE: £40.63
Don't miss out! Only 8 items left in stock
Order Code: 32623J, GB62448
MPN Code: 4410024
This unique and refillable 100-micron laminating film cartridge is for use with the GBC Foton 30 automatic laminator. The cartridge is supplied with a 100-micron lamination roll which laminates up to 190x A4 sheets.
To refill: Remove the empty cartridge, open the cartridge levers, insert a replacement lamination roll and close the levers. The complete cartridge is then easily re-loaded into the laminator.
Replacement 100-micron laminating film; item 441027.
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