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Bi-Office Expression Premium Board 900x600mm Key Features 1200 x 900mm dry-wipe and projection board ceramic matte surface for high performance use black edging to frame enhances projected image anodised aluminium frame for extra elegance and style contemporary clean design Your Price: £ 322.09 (£ 386.51 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 590.37 SAVE: £268.28
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 4 to 5 days*
Order Code: 26752J
MPN Code: EXP050301
Bi-Office Expression Premium Boards are the perfect multifunctional products. Their matte enamel surface enables you to easily write on and wipe off or use it as a projection screen. With contrasting profiles they fit into any meeting room or personal workspace.
Black edging to the frame enhances any projected image making it extremely versatile and an ideal solution for any conference and training environment.