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Epson DS-C330 Compact Desktop Scanner A4 Black B11B272401BY Key Features Ultra-compact: Smallest footprint, even while in use Scan passports, receipts, invoices, cards and more Two-in-one: U-turn pass and straight pass give you two scanners in one Lower environmental impact Power consumption of only 3.3W in ready mode and 1.0W in sleep mode Document Capture Pro: Powerful document capture software included Light Source: ReadyScan LED Technology Scanning Speed: 30ppm Colour: White Contents: Scanner, power cable, setup guide, USB cable, warranty document Your Price: £ 373.49 (£ 448.19 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 488.78 SAVE: £115.29
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
Order Code: EP72049
MPN Code: B11B272401BY
Epson DS-C330 Compact Desktop Scanner A4 Black B11B272401BY. Scan passports, receipts, invoices, cards. 2-in-1: U-turn/Straight pass. 3.3W-Ready mode, 1.0W-Sleep mode. Powerful document capture software included. ReadyScan LED Technology. Speed: 30ppm.
The Epson DS-C330W is a compact A4 scanner with a small footprint while in use, versatile media handling and low power consumption. The scanners U-turn path position allows paper to be scanned without adding to the footprint of the device. Switch to straight path mode to scan passports and booklets up to 5mm thick. Paper protection technology ensures that the original documents remain pristine. With a low power consumption, it also has a lower environmental impact.