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Swordfish Elite 480 A3 Trimmer Key Features A3 professional trimmer up to 15 sheet cutting capacity* 2 way cutting option replaceable carbon steel rotary blade cutting length 480mm Your Price: £ 213.87 (£ 256.64 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 333.29 SAVE: £119.42
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Order Code: 23265J
MPN Code: 40058X
This superbly engineered trimmer is perfect for schools, offices and graphics studios. Their robust construction enables up to 15 sheets of paper to be cut with one smooth movement. With metal bases for extra strength, the Elite series is designed for cutting multiple sheets of paper and light card.
* Using 80gsm paper
Swordfish Elite 480 A3 Trimmer brochure