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Casio MS-8F Mini Desk Calculator Key Features 8-Digit angled XL-Display Dual powered easy to operate and ergonomically shaped non-stick plastic keys Advanced Percentage Calculation Tax Calculation of price plus tax/price less tax Currency Conversion with 2 storable rates Mark-Up Calculation via % key Summarizing 3-key Memory Order Code: 33342J, CS61538
MPN Code: MS-8F
The Casio MS-8F calculator has all the basic functions you need along side additional ones like Tax & change sign key. The extra large display makes it easier on the eyes.
The MS-8F includes the following functions:
Tax Keys / Tax Calculations
Currency Conversion (3 rates)
3 Key Memory
Change Sign Key
% Key
Double size + Key
3 Digit Comma Marker
Function Command
Large plastic keys