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Sub Total £ {{ basket.totals.subTotal.exVat.toFixed(2) }}£ {{ basket.totals.subTotal.incVat.toFixed(2) }} inc. VAT '{{ vouchers.appliedVoucher.code }}'
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{{ basket.regions[0].name }}
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Casio FC-100V-2 Financial Calculator Key Features 10 digit 6 constant & 1 independent memory compound interest calculations savings loans & leasing amortization of loans annual percentage rate Order Code: 33070J, CS61355
MPN Code: FC-100V-2-W-ET
The FC-100V is a financial calculator with several functions like Amortization of loan, margin calculation and compound interest calculation. Its incorporate a full dot 4 line display allowing easy input, confirmation, changes and correction of each parameter. Its very efficient for repeat calculations.