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GBC CombBind 200 Binding Machine Key Features Manual A4 comb binder up to 20 sheet punch capacity* up to 330 sheet binding capacity using 38mm combs full width handle to make punching smooth and effortless Your Price: £ 361.16 (£ 433.39 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 520.60 SAVE: £159.44
Don't miss out! Only 1 item left in stock
Order Code: 25270J, GB37183
MPN Code: 4401845
Binding doesn't get any simpler! The CombBind C200 is ideal for offices with regular binding requirements. It combines a punch capacity of up to 20 sheets* with a binding capability of up to 330 sheets using 38mm spines.
With a unique low force punch and sheet alignment indicators, binding documents is easier than ever. Choose colour coded ProCombs for maximum productivity.
* Using 80gsm paper
GBC CombBind 200 Binding Machine brochure