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Canon LFM055 Red Label Paper Roll 75gsm 175mx594mm White (Pack of 2) 97006070 Key Features Wide format paper roll 75gsm Length: 175 metres Width: 594mm FSC certified Colour: White Pack of 2 Your Price: £ 127.78 (£ 153.34 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 161.65 SAVE: £33.87
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Order Code: CO13299
MPN Code: 97006070
Canon LFM055 Red Label Paper Roll 75gsm 175mx594mm White (Pack of 2) 97006070. Wide format paper roll.
Canon Red label carbon neutral paper roll. Selecting the best in class suppliers with a minimal CO2 output during production. Wide format papers for architecture, engineering, construction and manufacturing industries. A cost effective and environmetally responsible solution for wide format paper applications.