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Key Features Classroom pack: 30 x AX-501 calculators in a robust plastic tray 10 Digit single line LCD display A total of 131 functions Complex Number calculations Number Base conversions Slide on protective hard case Your Price: £ 237.24 (£ 284.69 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 314.99 SAVE: £77.75
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 2 to 3 days*
Order Code: 25128J
MPN Code: CK50
30 x AX-501 calculators
The AX-501 is a great value for money entry level scientific calculator featuring a clear 10 digit LCD display, a very durable and robust case, and a total of 131 functions including Complex Number calculations and a very useful BIN/HEX/OCT/DEC base conversion function.
Aurora CK50 Class Pack brochure