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GBC CC500 Manual Comb Closer Machine Key Features Binds up to 500 (70gsm) sheets at a time using a 51mm comb Binds A4 portrait and A3 landscape Lightweight and portable Manual single handle closer Non-slip rubber feet Compatible with comb sizes 6mm to 51mm Use stand-alone or combine with GBC MagnaPunch Elite Your Price: £ 358.51 (£ 430.21 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 578.37 SAVE: £219.86
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Order Code: 35161J
MPN Code: 4410055
Binding doesn't get any simpler with the GBC CC500 Comb Closer. This manual finisher streamlines the binding process, making presentations quick and hassle-free. Binds Documents up to 500 sheets at a time.
The left-handed lever operates smoothly with a simple pull and push motion, ensuring effortless operation.