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GBC CB30 Pro Heavy Duty Manual Punch and Comb Binding Machine Key Features Binds up to 500 (70gsm) sheets at a time using a 51mm comb Punches up to 30x sheets at a time Binds A4/A5 portrait and A3 landscape Manual double handle punch 23 selector pins to adjust and accommodate any size paper up to A4 Adjustable margin depth Horizontal loading Easy to access high volume clippings tray Non-slip rubber feet Compatible with comb sizes 6mm to 51mm Your Price: £ 610.87 (£ 733.04 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 985.50 SAVE: £374.63
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Order Code: 35155J
MPN Code: 4410044
The CombBind® CB30 Pro is a robust and durable manual comb binder designed to handle tasks in office, home, and school environments with medium to high volume usage demands.
Its adjustable selector pins effortlessly adapt to paper sizes up to A4, offering customizable margin depths to suit your needs. Engineered for simplicity, it features a convenient clippings tray for easy disposal.
With the capability to punch through up to 30 x 70gsm A4 sheets, this reliable binder can efficiently bind up to 500 sheets at a time using 51mm spines.
Compatible with comb sizes 6mm to 51mm