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Swordfish 40379 Armoured 660D Heavy Duty A3 Laminator Key Features Rugged steel casing Fast 660mm/min lamination Suitable for all pouches up to A3 size 4 large 25.6mm precision rollers Sophisticated touch control for simple operation one-touch lamination Reverse control Will laminate an A4 pouch in 32 seconds carry handles Your Price: £ 225.73 (£ 270.88 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 351.75 SAVE: £126.02
Don't miss out! Only 3 items left in stock
Order Code: 33469J
MPN Code: 40379
The Swordfish Armoured660D A3 is a fast steel-cased heavy duty laminator, suitable for all pouches up to A3 size. It is equipped with sophisticated touch control with simplified user controls, large 26.5mm precision rollers and a steel cooling plate – all of which combine to give perfect laminations.
A removable top cover gives easy access to the rollers for cleaning – so jams caused by sticky rollers become a thing of the past.