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Fellowes 8055801 Hana Foot Support White Key Features Colour White support your feet and encourage motion to improve circulation and back comfort promotes motion with the active movement feature light or heavy tension setting two height settings for sitting and standing change height positions with effortless foot adjustment Your Price: £ 176.35 (£ 211.62 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 297.52 SAVE: £121.17
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Order Code: 31579J, BB73914
MPN Code: 8055801
The Hana Foot Support is designed to support your feet and encourage motion to improve circulation and back comfort, it helps to promote motion with the active movement feature, which allows for flexible platform movements.
Fellowes 8055801 Hana Foot Support White brochure