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Swordfish 800XC SECURIA Cross Cut Shredder White Key Features Up to 8 sheet capacity * 5 x 38mm cross cut 220mm throat width 2.25m/min speed 10 litre capacity pull out bin shreds paper staples paper clips & credit cards white Your Price: £ 105.78 (£ 126.94 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 164.85 SAVE: £59.07
Don't miss out! Only 4 items left in stock
Order Code: 26164J
MPN Code: 40300
The Swordfish 800XC SECURIA is a fast light-duty shredder with a cutting speed of 2.25m a minute and a 8 sheet capacity to deal with your entire home paper shredding. This shredder has a window in the pull out bin so you can easily see when the bin needs emptying.
The Swordfish 800XC SECURIA features auto/start stop and reverse functions and can shred a single piece of A4 paper into 330 cross-cut pieces.
3 minute duty cycle
Conforms to DIN level P-3
* Using 70gsm weight paper
Key Features Cut Type Security Level Sheet Capacity (70gsm paper) Also Shreds Credit cards Paperclips Staples
Throat Width (mm) Shredder Type Brand Waste Bin Capacity (litres) Max Nosie Level (dB) Shred Speed (metres per minute) Cut Size
Intended Use Number of users Duty Cycle (minutes)
Other Features Auto Start Auto Stop Auto Reverse Pull Out Waste Bin/Bag Maximum Run Time