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Fellowes 8081601 Lotus RT Dual Sit-Stand Workstation Black Key Features Black clamps to the back of the desk waterfall design with a channel to support viewing your paperwork or technology with easy access to charging cables concealed cable management to keep your workspace streamlined 180 degree rotation includes a dual monitor arm to keep your screens secure Your Price: £ 892.80 (£ 1071.36 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 1075.12 SAVE: £182.32
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Order Code: 29731J, BB73583
MPN Code: 8081601
You don't have to choose with this sit stand work station, which is ideal for the modern day work place. The work station is suitable for a single screen and has several varying height adjustments so you can sit and stand to work whenever you choose. Stable at every height, it has a work surface for your screen and essentials to sit flush against your desk or to raise your equipment for standing use. Suitable for a dual screen setup.
Fellowes 8081601 Lotus RT Dual Sit-Stand Workstation Black brochure