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Swordfish 2000XCD Plus Cross Cut Shredder Key Features Up to 20 sheet capacity* 4 x 28mm cross cut 220mm throat width 1.6m/min speed 29 litre bin auto reverse on jamming auto stop when bin is full 60dB Continuous shredding Your Price: £ 517.44 (£ 620.93 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 806.40 SAVE: £288.96
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Order Code: 29497J
MPN Code: 40363
Don’t be deceived by the compact format, this 20-sheet shredder has a big appetite – its 29 litre bin holds more than 500 shredded sheets of paper. With a long duty cycle and quiet operation, this machine is ideal for busy offices.
Advanced, intelligent features such as multiple temperature indicators, auto-stop when bin full and auto-reverse on jamming, the Swordfish 2000XCD Plus sets a new standard.
Conforms to security level P-4 / E-2 & O-3
* Using 80gsm weight paper