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Bi-Office Earth-It Blue Felt Noticeboard Aluminium Frame 1200x900 Key Features Quality felt surface mount portrait or landscape with fixings supplied size 1200x900mm Your Price: £ 103.67 (£ 124.40 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 128.71 SAVE: £25.04
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 4 to 5 days*
Order Code: 28574J
MPN Code: FA0543790
Bi-Office Earth It Recycled Blue Felt Notice Board is a professional notice board with the advantage of being made from recycled materials that contains over 70% of post-consumer and post-industrial waste.
All aluminium is 100% recycled and recyclable. The quality felt surface is available in several colours and can be mounted in either portrait or landscape format with fixings supplied.