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Swordfish 1200XXCD Micro Cut Shredder Key Features Up to 12 sheet capacity* 4 x 10mm cross cut 220mm throat width 3.3m/min speed 26 litre bin reverse function infra-red start/stop control 50dB Your Price: £ 426.49 (£ 511.79 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 664.65 SAVE: £238.16
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Order Code: 25164J
MPN Code: 40237
This compact micro cut shredder provides the ideal solution for high security shredding. Cutting an A4 sheet into more than 1500 particles, it easily meets the requirements of the new DIN-P4 standard. Producing only 62dB under load, this machine will not disturb the people around you.
Conforms to security level P-4 & O-1
* Using 70gsm weight paper
Swordfish 1200XXCD Micro Cut Shredder brochure