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Swordfish 1000XC Cross Cut Shredder Key Features Up to 10 sheet capacity * 4 x 39mm cross cut 220mm throat width 2m/min speed 20 litre bin reverse function infra-red start/stop control shreds credit cards & small staples 69dB Your Price: £ 201.47 (£ 241.76 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 313.95 SAVE: £112.48
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Order Code: 16213J
MPN Code: 45009
The Swordfish 1000XC is a robust and quick shredder, able to shred approximately 360 sheets in 1 hour. This shredder also features a reverse function enabling you to clear any jams quickly, safely and with ease.
With a pull out waste bin and castors, the 1000XC is the prefect shredder for any home or small office.
Conforms to DIN level P-4
* Using 70gsm weight paper
Swordfish 1000XC Cross Cut Shredder brochure